Friday, August 8, 2014

Delete field from the list

In my case I have 2 columns in the list, I want to delete one column from the list if the list contains 2 columns.

public static void DeleteColumn(string siteURL, String copyFromFieldInternalName, String copyToFieldInternalName)
            using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteURL))
                foreach (SPWeb web in site.AllWebs)
                    //Get all the List in every list of the web that has the 2 fields
                    var items = (from l in web.Lists.Cast<SPList>()
                                 where l.Fields.ContainsField(copyFromFieldInternalName)
                                 && l.Fields.ContainsField(copyToFieldInternalName)
                                 select l).ToList();

                    foreach (SPList list in items)
                        Console.WriteLine("WebUrl: " + web.Url);
                        Console.WriteLine("Deleteing the column " + copyFromFieldInternalName + "from the list " + list.Title);

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