Monday, June 17, 2019

Bias-variance strategies in neural network

  • bias refers to underfitting and variance refers to overfitting
  • In Neural network, there are few set rules to counter bais and variance issue

  • High Bias/Underfitting:

  1. Bigger Network: Add more layers and increase nodes in layer to counter underfitting
  2. More Epochs/Train Longer: Increase number of passes over the entire data to counter underfitting
  3. Differnt NN architecture: Try different network architecture

  • High Variance/Overfitting:

  1. Get more data: Increase data points collected
  2. Make model simpler: Simplify the model in terms of less layers, and less nodes
  3. Regularization: Add l1/l2 regularization to weights
  4. Dropout: Dropout means some % of nodes will be automatically turned off (not trained); generally set to 10%-30%

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